graphics various

My second book

Yes, it’s official!
I’m writing a new book that deeply explains all the steps behind the making of a videogame. As technical figure, I will concentrate on technical aspects like pipeline and workflow management, plugins and software production, research and development impact, commercial 3D packages Vs custom one, game engine and other interesting subjects.

For thoose who doesn’t know, I just wrote a book about 3ds Max Design and Architecture, in wich I explain in 400 pages all the tricks behind offline rendering.
HERE is the link of the pubblisher and HERE is a post about it.

My ISBN codes
ISBN-13 9788820341558
ISBN 8820341557

development graphics

New 3ds Max Script: PLAYSYS | B.M.R.

We finished a new Autodesk‘s 3ds Max script that allow us to batch create textures, assign materials, hide objects, set properties, renders scene, add channels , and save in RPF file (plus .png).
it could appear unuseful if you have to render 3 or 4 times in a day, but for some projects we should need to create lot of renders (in the current one about 58.000) and it would become a mess without this script.

So, I’m glad to introduce our new friend: PLAYSYS | B.M.R.

The workflow is really simple:
– prepare your 3D models in the scene
– prepare the texture you’ll need to apply
– select the render settings
– press the “Create” button

the utility will do the remaining things, mixing 3ds Max possibilities with BMR’s functions. After a little you will find all your renders ready to be used. The utility will name the images with: $filename_$object_$texture_#progressivenumber.extension


The template is back

Yes, after long indecision between hundred different themes, I decided to get back to my classical template: minimal, clear, simple 🙂
Hope the previous changes didn’t bothered you…The classical is back! enjoy ;)!

development graphics

Sub Surface Scattering | mental ray – part 2

Some time ago I wrote some notes about Sub Surface Scattering in mentalRay. Here I post some screens of the material I used in my turntable test, using Knoss’s Arak model.

As you can see the shader is quite complex, so start exploring this simple one and take time to understand how parameters works.

Here is a schematic description of the maps I used

The next one i a new scheme that can give better results. At the moment I’m still working on this structure. I have to prepare new textures for the Subdermal and Epidermal channels, but I will do them for a new model I’m working on.

Here is the material I used. You’ll have to substitute the two required textures with your own, btw, theese are only for displacement and bump. Feel free to use it and share.

development various

PlaySys Percent – Tool gratuito per conversioni tra valori (IRPEF) netti e lordi

È finalmente disponibile PlaySys Percent, il software che semplifica il calcolo delle diverse percentuali tra lordo e netto.
Scaricalo ora da QUI, è gratis! [52.1 Kb, versione 1.1 corretta grazie alle indicazioni di Andrea Benedetti]

Più volte mi sono imbattuto nella trasformazione tra valore netto e valore lordo (9 volte su 10 per via dell’I.R.P.E.F.), così ho deciso di sviluppare questa semplicissima applicazione che mi auguro possa tornare comoda a qualcuno.
Molti cadono nell’inganno che per ricavare il lordo da un valore netto basti sommare a quest’ultimo semplicemente la percentuale (in questo caso 20%). Così non è, infatti quando si calcola il netto di un valore si procede in maniera opposta, ossia si parte dal lordo e si sottrae il 20%. Purtroppo però, se Y = X – 20% non si può dire che X = Y + 20%.A questo punto entra in gioco la mia applicazione: basta inserire il valore netto e la percentuale da applicare e verrà ricavato il lordo.
Ho aggiunto anche una funzionalità incrociata ossia, dato un lordo ed un netto ricavo la percentuale tra i due e dato un lordo e una percentuale ne ricavo il netto.

Non sei convinto? esegui con la calcolatrice 100 – 25%, otterrai 75. Ora fai l’opposto, esegui 75 + 25%, non otterrai 100 :)Buon divertimento con PlaySys Percent! [52.1 Kb]

development graphics

DACS 1.7

DACS is the acronym for “D3v Anti Crash Saver” and is a little utility I wrote on 23th December 2005 (I always have a log inside my project folders ;)) and that prevents the common damage of scenes, caused by a crash of Autodesk 3ds Max.
Who uses this 3D package for knows for sure how frustrating it is to re-work on a scene because a crash deleted it. In fact, while 3ds Max crashes, the scene is damaged and the file will contain a little chunk of the entire work; this happens about 1 time on 10 crashes.
After this, when you try to reopen your file, 3ds Max says that it is corrupted and the data are completely lost.

There are 3 solutions to this problem:
– Do a frequent backup of your folder and files
– Increment your scene version with a progressive number
– Use my DACS 😉

The utility consists on a simple script of 3 Kb and it is loaded in the common way from the MAXScript menu. You can use the StartupScript folder too. In the previous image you can see how it appears when loaded.
As you can see, it automatically finds the file name and the path of your project. This script was written before that Autodesk introduces the new folder structure, similar to the one adopted in the old versions of  Maya. This means that DACS saves the files in the same folder of the project (this is yet in my TODO list).

At this point you can start working safely: my script will inform you about the time from the latest save and when you press the button “Save Files” it will save your file plus two additional files, completely identical.
If your system crashes or the light goes away or the operative system gets stuck, DACS will maintain the integrity of the scenes, at least one of them 😉

Many thanks to Giorgia Foresta that spent time correcting my terrible english!


Givenchy Play

Givenchy finally released it’s new fragrance, the package and the logo are interesting and for sure this porfume will be really great! 😉


Seven Magazine | Febbraio 2010

Venerdì 22 Gennaio uscirà in edicola il nuovo numero di Seven Magazine, la rivista edita da Sprea Editori, riguardante il mondo di Windows Seven, l’ultimo sistema operativo di Microsoft.

In questo numero trattiamo diversi argomenti come l’archiviazione e ricerca di file, la virtualizzazione di un sistema operativo dentro Seven per massimizzare la compatibilità di vecchie applicazioni (nel tutorial useremo VirtualBox e parleremo della XP Mode), parleremo di sicurezza e credenziali, discuteremo di cosa si intende per 64-bit e se effettivamente convenga passare a tale architettura, parleremo di Internet Explorer 8 e, come sempre, proporremo interessanti novità, recensioni, domande e risposte più molto altro ancora.

Seven Magazine vi aspetta in tutte le edicole!

development graphics

DMRB 2.2

DMRB means D3v Multi Render Basket and is a little script I wrote about 3 years ago.
The idea behind comes from Lightwave’s fPrime, a quick semi-realtime renderer that is fully integrable in the 3D package and permits to render with almost anything doable inside it.
DMRB uses the default renderer to compute the image so, if you are working with mentalRay you can benefit of all it’s features such as Sub Surface Scattering, Final Gather, Global Illumination, Caustics, and so on.
Of course if you use other internal third party renderers (Scanline, VRay, FinalRender, Brazil) it still works fine!

In the video below you can see it with a very simple scene, that permits me to show it’s usefullness.
Note that it is very different than the ActiveShade because DMRB shows the entire result, without optimizations (btw, some can be enabled on the panel) and again, it works with all the major renderer.

development graphics various

PlaySys 1.0

Oggi ho trovato questa intervista che ho rilasciato i primi di Ottobre presso l’Italian Videogame Developer Conference, evento in cui ho partecipato come casa di sviluppo italiana e come sponsor.


Rileggendo quello che ho detto dello startup di PlaySys, mi sono venuti in mente diversi ricordi (alla faccia di chi sostiene che io non abbia un cuore), così ho deciso di pubblicare alcune immagini di PlaySys 1.0 🙂

Today I red the linked interview I had at the end of the 2009 during the Italian Videogame Developer Conference.
I spoke about PlaySys and the videogame development research we did, and was a really important fact for the italian game industry. The previous post spoke about an Italian trouble with business managemant, and is one of the causes behind the videogame undevelopment.

Btw, I decided to post some images of PlaySys 1.0, captured in the firsts weeks of the studio.

Alessia e Maurizio

Pollice tra ALT e SPAZIO, medio su MAIUSC e anulare su CTRL…unica eccezione era Maurizio che teneva tutte le dita, di entrambe le mani, su Alessia 24/24 h