In the last few months I had no time to update this blog and I think it will be discontinued (or moved on my personal web-domain).
Anyway in november my new edition of Autodesk 3ds Max, V-Ray (and other surprises :)) should start again on NABA, Domus Academy and SPD.
About videogame development lectures I’m also partecipating with the brand new Spicchi team in a series of basic lessons on game development as business path. Courses are open to everybody but designed for parents that desire to understand more about this possible path for their childs.
This year I plan to surprise you with a practical approach to virtual reality both for presentation and entertainment. For the occasion I bought an Oculus Rift 2 (inspired by Luca Roncella taht made me try his one). So get ready to be inserted in a 3d environment :), I’ll wait you at ViewConference 2014!
In the meanwhile during august I want to speed-develop a platform; it will be a solo project and the challange is very appealing! PLAYSYS
Last but not least, I released my last music solo project on iTunes and Spotify. Project name is Nihilistista and the album is named Eclipse. This project started about two years ago and I’m very satisfacted of the result, recording guitar, bass, drum and mastering together in the album. My working projets are taking time from my music, in the past I would never expect this would happen (expecially when, 18 years ago, I was playing drums 2 hours per day). I promise myself that one day I’ll get back in music with a band or something like that…hopefully I would keep my word 😉
It’s just a quick summary of what happened in this silent period and I’ll do my best to keep this blog updated somehow.
Category: graphics
Ebbene sì, dopo due anni di doppiaggi l’avventura con Professional Photoshop è terminata. Purtroppo precedentemente alla chiusura i doppiaggi erano stati dimezzati dall’editore che, alla fine, ha deciso di terminare la pubblicazione. Sempre nel periodo finale delle pubblicazioni avevo sentito voci che parlavano di lamentele legate agli abbonamenti e alla reperibilità dei numeri. Sulla pagina ufficiale di facebook ho trovato con grande dispiacere alcune di queste lamentele ed è un gran peccato: la rivista era buona, i progetti talvolta interessanti e comunque efficaci per l’apprendimento delle funzionalità del programma…non capisco come abbia fatto a sfasciarsi così il progetto.
Per quanto mi riguarda ci ho messo tutto l’impegno e spero che la mia parte di lavoro nel mettere la voce su tutti i quasi 500 video abbia fatto piacere ai lettori e li abbia aiutati nel comprendere meglio i vari passaggi.
Digital Camera–inizio 2014
Nuovi numeri, nuovi video corsi e nuovi doppiaggi…continua così la mia avventura con Digital Camera, la rivista edita da Sprea Editori, riguardante il mondo della fotografia e del fotoritocco. Negli ultimi mesi mi sono occupato di video corsi che spiegano trucchi e metodi efficaci, per elaborare scatti utilizzando Photoshop Essentials (corso base), Photoshop CC e Camera Raw (corso avanzato) e Lightroom 5 (corso specifico).
Di seguito alcuni fotogrammi dei video corsi disponibili in tutte le edicole nei mesi di Gennaio, Febbraio e Marzo 2014.
Seeing how my students approach to work, applying the knowledge I transmitted
Receiving the students’ anonymous satisfaction report (compiled through school’s website)
So numerically speaking my students satisfaction is 94.4% and mine, of course is even higher! 🙂 But if I obtained so high score is because I followed the previous years suggestions and student’s reports: “more focus on some subjects”, “less on others”, and so on…my main thanks goes to whom attended SPD during 2011 and 2012! Also I would like to mention that this feedback report, organised by SPD’s Coordinamento, is wery usefull practice, that unfortunally is not applied in other schools where I teach such as NABA and Domus Academy.
More in dept, this year I used a new technique for my course about 3dsMax and V-Ray that I like to define “deconstructivism in 3d renders and CGI”. How it works is simple: I took my lectures and my topics I wrote in books and I simply reversed them 🙂
I’m not talking about meanings, but about chronological order of given informations. In fact classes are diffrent from books, articles, slides or video training, and they must be treated as they are: different media for learning. In my knowledge, is really simple to understand what a render is and how is done, but being a student, the approach can be totally different, sometime opposed, and here is the keyword of my teaching model: “opposed” to the standards.
- i would prefer to have slides or tutorial with the explanation of the class as it happens in rhino classes
- he is really amazing !
- I enjoy Mr Lucas class a lot and his classes are really helpful for me to get a grasp of 3d max as I couldnt be this clear with concepts earlier in my profession.
- The teacher should expain step by step what he does first for us to have time to see what to do. Just a little slower or more details on the first time we see a way to do something would be nice. May be we’ll have less questions.
- nice teacher, very helpful, very useful and very understanding. my favourite teacher so far.
- really good and fun teacher
- He has great knowledge, very interesting and helpful course!
- He explain very good and it easy to understand him
- very helpful and nice teacher. In such a small period he taught us a lot. He explains everything very well. pleasure to work with him.
- Best teacher! very good class.
- A loely guy though perhapsa little quiet at times. I would perhaps prefer to have mor eone on one time in order ot develop
- the most attentive prof. great asset for this university
- Professor Deriu knows 3Ds Max and transfers his knowledge to his best ability. He is the other professor that I believe executes his lessons the way that they’re supposed to be and he is always there to lend a hand if in need.
- it would probably be beneficial to divide the class into 2 so that the people who are less advance dont struggle behind and those with a bit more knowledge dont get bored. although i think you are very knowledgeable.
With this happy mood I wish you Merry Christmas!
Yesterday I attended and passed at 100% the Autodesk’s 3ds Max 2014 exam!
For this great satisfaction I have to say thanks to UPGRADE: Donato Cremonesi, Blerina Pashollari, Valeria Pizzi, Valeria Casanova and Gianluca Melcangi. I use Max since Kinetix/Discreet time, when the software was known with the name “3D Studio Max r2”, but Upgrade organized the exam and offered me performant computer and confortable structure to attend it (plus coffee before exam!).
È iniziata la mia nuova avventura con Digital Camera, la rivista che ogni mese informa sulle ultime novità per quanto riguarda gli strumenti professionali per fotografi creativi.
Ogni mese vi aspettiamo in edicola con 1 ora di video tutorial e ricchi articoli! A presto e buon apprendimento.
Kitty Scratch 2 on AppStore!
Today I have a great announce: Our videogame “Kitty Scratch 2” is avaible to play on AppStore!
With PlaySys we prepared a full game design document and the 2nd of September we started the official development. Today, after 2 months the game is on the “shelves” of AppStore and I’m working on the porting for Android and, if everything goes right, tomorrow the game’s .apk will be delivered to Google Play.
Filippo Zanoli – Game Designer
Elisa Cristantielli – Art Director
Elena Kartseva – Interior Designer
Lorenzo Cardile – 3D Artist
Beniamino Valentini – Animator
Bo Zhang – 3D Artist Intern
Alessandro Carpentiero – Musician and Composer
Andrea Peduzzi – PR Now let me conclude saying that the game is far away to be a GTA5 or a colossal, but is funny to play and we tryed to do our best to include dynamic 3D stuff on mobile devices. In fact the game behave differently accordingly to the time of the day in which you play it. Every 12 hours the system gives you 50 scratches to use and you can extend the game experience with mini games.
Dal primo di settembre fino al 21 Ottobre mi sono cimentato in una nuova esperienza: lo sviluppo di un videogioco per quanto riguarda la programmazione. Il risultato è “Kitty Scratch 2, episodio 1”, disponibile da oggi su AppStore e a brevissimo su Google Play!
QUI il comunicato stampa ufficiale.
Simo tutti d’accordo sul fatto che Kitty Scratch 2 non è paragonabile a colossi recenti come GTA5, Beyond o altri, ma il gioco rappresenta per noi il primo passo concreto verso lo sviluppo di nuove realtà e conclude una lunghissima serie di test e prove più o meno riuscite, realizzate in 10 anni. Il gioco è composto da 3 episodi che usciranno a cadenza bimestrale e una parte del team è già al lavoro su un nuovo concept che entrerà in produzione nelle prime settimane del 2014.
per quanto mi riguarda la sfida del codice è stata notevole:
gestione assegnazione graffi
validazione partita e controllo anti cheat
programmazione controlli e meccaniche di movimento giocatore/avversari
salvataggio e gestione dati con tanto di achievement su Game Center (prima volta in cui metto mano in tutto questo)
gestione dinamica del livello di gioco: i personaggi cambiano posizione in base al tempo di gioco…un po’ come avviene durante la giornata di GTA5, con grande semplificazione 😀
debug gioco, fixes e preparazione Store
Se trovate dei bug o delle imprecisioni fatemelo sapere commentando questo post o sulla pagina ufficiale del gioco, per favore. Sto sistemando alcune imperfezioni che ho notato e conto di rilasciare una versione 1.1 entro la fine di novembre (data in cui la verrà lanciata la versione per Android).
Buon divertimento!