Since the two C-Planes are represented with different colors in the LightGraph (yellow = 0-180 C-Plane; cyan = 90-270 C-Plane), I painted also the sliders of the two panels with the appropriate colors.
Now it is immediately understandable which angle the editing candelas belong to.
In modern software nothing seems more obvious that the possibility to Load and Save files. Real IES suffered from a goofy and uncommon user interface to browse the files before parsing their content. this is why in the process of restyling Real IES 3 UI, we decided to opt for a conventional yet more understandable system form.
And this is how it looks on Windows. Also Real IES 3 will adapt the UI on Mac (actually, to be precise, the software picks the path from the System Form, so the merit goes to Microsoft and Apple).
This picture summarises some new features and UI corrections such as the new color selector, the new blending mode, the values suggestions and the possibility to rotate a stencil both in clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.
This upcoming update is going to be massive and will have more under the hood (for example the new APPLICATION_STATE filter useful to keep aligned – if necessary – async processes).
With the future introduction of dedicated modules, I will focus on a 3d viewer that will use proprietary .rhd files generated by Real HDR to simulate the lighting environment in a PBR real-time space. This extension will have its own roadmap on my list and will – possibly – feature some sort of real-time raytracing using NVIDIA RTX cards. I have a lot of expectations from this and I also have some surprises
For the moment this is the result I obtained with my shader-ball rendered in real-time. It is not much I know, but at least it works
This is the new version of the color selector that will appear in the next release of Real HDR 1.2.
The major change consists in a wider and more precise selection, a comparison between the actual color and the new color, the possibility to confirm or revert to the previous one and the possibility to choose the color in 8-bit range both for RGB and HSV.
Keep in mind that being the SpriteLights rendered in 32-bit, there is no control over the light intensity in this panel, since it is reserved for colors only. In short: the brightest color that can be selected may not be brighter one available. The color selector must be used together with the intensity slider.
Real HDR 1.2 will feature an improved blending mode to preserve smooth edges and transitions. It looks similar to what we had in 1.0 but can keep quality up to 4k when working in a reasonable intensity range and light size.
Rendering suggestions: I added some maximum suggested values for the sliders as a sort of recommendation for proper rendering results. These recommendations will appear in Rendering mode only since they have no meaning in engineering mode, where the user has the maximum mathematical freedom per each angle.
Also LightGraph now has a proper background and is not floating anymore. The background can be enabled using the same way it is enabled in LightCone: via Inspector toggle.